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Rosslyn's work begins with the body and its ability to communicate expressively and energetically. Her choreographic work is process-driven and deeply collaborative. It is concerned with the relationship between the thinking and intuitive body. 

Rosslyn's choreographic work is shaped by the collaborators involved. It often responds to it's performance context, whether that be site specific, for a regional audience, durational or looped.

Rosslyn has had the pleasure of performing for & working with other choreographers, performance artists in Australia and Europe.

For a selection of her performance work, take a moment to and go to performance

Current Work in Development

Rosslyn has two works in development, A Reflection on Canon and Deep Listening. Please browse the respective pages and video to see the current research.

Rosslyn is interested in creating on groups of dancers, if you are an academy or institution searching to commission work for undergraduate study please be in touch.


Rosslyn also creates in collaboration with Holly Macdonald for Converge /\ Diverge. If you would like to co-create in conversation and take home a unique vessel that holds both experience and thought please be in touch.

Past Work

© 2021 Rosslyn Wythes

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