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Outside Interiors

Outside Interiors delves into a world of subtle shifts, a sensorial landscape that unfolds to be both an abstract interior of the mind and a suggestion of an environmental landscape.

Highly physical whole body movements such as sliding, running and vortex momentum, explore how energy created by the performers can be kinaesthetically transferred. It creates an immersive experience of the dance work for members of the audience. Fragrance, light, sound and set are used to heighten the artistic experience for the audience. This stimulation creates a riot for the senses, confusing the experience of time, our perception of being indoors or outdoors and what is real or surreal.

This project received the support of the Australia Council for the Arts (Artstart Recipient), Dirtyfeet Out of the Studios & Research Lab Programs, Hospital Hill, Pia Moore, Lust Am Riskio Festival and Carlton Shopfront Theatre.

 Video documentation by Hospital Hill and photo documentation by Pia Moore.

This project was mentored by Carlee Mellow.

© 2021 Rosslyn Wythes

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